Ever since the benefit of Manuka Honey was revealed, people have been on the look out for the best quality of it to add to their daily outline. Some want some of that good ol honey to add to their morning tea or toast, and others want to use that to concoct their throat remedies. And some are looking for the right kind of Manuka honey to apply to their skin.
But not all Manuka Honey varieties are the same. So, don’t expect the Manuka honey you use to create Lozenges to work great for your skin. And don’t think that the Manuka honey you might use for everyday use would be great for maintaining your digestive health. Take metrics like UMF, MGO, and PRI in mind. These determine the strength of the Manuka honey that you can use for yourself.
Read to know the ratings of Manuka Honey and what they are good for so that you can find the best one that meets your requirements.
Manuka Honey numbers - What do they mean
Two types of rating are prevalent across all types of Manuka honey - UMF and MGO. Both of them indicate the concentration of Methylglyoxal content in a batch of money. UMF and MGO are the most trusted ratings and originate from New Zealand regulations.
It means that with a higher rating, you get more Methylglyoxal content (MGO) in your honey, making it more potent.
And if you see a jar that has specified the MGO rating, it means that the company selling the honey has tested the product for its MGO content.
Now, with a straightforward rating system like this - one question is often asked - Is higher better?
That depends. A higher concentration of MGO only means a higher MGO content in that product; whether it is better or not depends on what you are using the Manuka honey for.
For instance, if you want to use Manuka honey for your daily usage, like using it as a sweetener in your baked goods, salads, or tea, a low-rated honey with an MGO rating of around 60+ will do.
But if you want to use Manuka Honey as a dietary supplement, you need a product with a high MGO rate - around 150+.
Similarly, if you are using honey to dress the wounds, you need the highest concentration of MGO in your product, which would be around 200+.
Ratings and usage - A complete breakdown
Here is the breakdown of a Manuka Honey’s MGO and what it is good for.
MGO Rating - 40+ and 70+
These are the lowest-MGO-rated honey you can find in the market. Having a low concentration of MGO, these variants of honey find the best use as an everyday sweetener. You can find these often in a squeezy jar - use them on baked goods or as simple sweeteners.
MGO Rating - 100+
When you cross that 100+ threshold, you reach the medicinal territory for Manuka honey. This is the level of MGO rating you need if you want to use the product for your general immune system.
MGO Rating - 300+
To maintain skin and general and digestive health, you are best suited for using Manuka honey with a 200+ MGO rating. However, these are not to be used on a daily basis but instead sparingly throughout the week.
MGO Rating 525+ & Higher
Manuka Honey, with an MGO rating of 525+,as well as eating off the spoon, 525MGO can also be applied on the skin to treat conditions like Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rosacea.
Get the Best Manuka Honey from Manuka Lab
If you are looking for the right variety of Manuka honey for your needs, contact Manuka Lab. Our products are sourced straight from the Manuka trees of New Zealand and are of the quality you require to fulfill your daily or nuanced needs. Order yours online today.